Monday, February 1, 2010


saturday was sweet because i slept in and woke up and shot out some texts to some friends. doug responded that he wanted to go to breakfast and i obliged and met him at mccarthys which was awesome. we then went up to the mtn, left my car at the horn, and took some tele runs off the quad. i just got my skis tuned, and if you've ever telemarked before, sharp skis are somewhat of a pain in the ass. they are really grabby and especially your inside/uphill ski. it takes a couple of runs to realize that it's not so much the ski or the tune, but me and my inability to ski dynamically enough to push the edges. whatever. i'll learn at some point. anywhoo we went skiing in the sun because it was cold and nosedive looked wicked dark. ridgeview/sunrise/living room/abu/enterprise/family glade/lower family glade/crossover was a great first run. snow was great, esp in family glade, see picture. similar second woods, but sunrise/lower standard was pretty sick. one more run in the sun then bruce trail. bruce to horn is quite a run. sat on bruce bench, abu again. snow was great up the sides of bruce, and lots of tele turns were made by all. see pictures. i love the lower section of the bruce where it's like a roller coaster and you can go wicked fast and get air over the bumps and rollers. also love skiing through the xc center because the josephs that are skiing there look at you on your ski gear hauling ass down the trails and cant figure out what's going on. they certainly don't expect you to have come from the top of the mtn. at horn, we had front row tickets to the saturday pm shit show. it was awesome. at one point neither doug nor i knew anybody there which is weird because its usually the opposite. more and more friends trickled in. drank some and ate some and went home and passed out.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would like the Bruce trail...maybe next year??
